Mines and Money Online Roadshow 2021
The Mines and Money Online Roadshow is the latest edition to the successful online global event series connecting sophisticated investors from around the world with mining company management teams. This year’s Conference will be held 06 May 2021 - 18 May 2021.
The APAC, EMEA, and North American markets will be the focus for the three events that will run over three consecutive weeks. With meeting platform access open from 8am – 8pm in the corresponding region’s time zone.
The event will focus specifically on connecting mining companies with institutional investors, family offices, and private investors within each region.
Each region will also feature an interactive content program that includes the popular Mines and Money 5@5 series, live mining pitch battles, alongside investor panels and fireside chats providing market insights for 2021.
Log in online to listen to keynote presentations, panel discussions and pitch battles. Participate in lucrative face-to-face video meetings with the Mines and Money Connect meeting platform and attend casual and formal networking events without having to leave your home, or your desk.
Wherever you are working from, you will be able to hook into our digital platform to connect with the leaders of the global mining and investment community.
Join the Conference: https://minesandmoney.com/online/register.php
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